From Home
The 20th century was century
for the JOB
Now, 21st century is century
for the Entreprenuer
JOB = working to make somebody else’s
dream come true.
People can’t retire from their JOBs
& survive on social security alone anymore. People
can’t get by on social security after retirement, they need
to work still to survive.
People are scared of losing their JOBs. JOB
security is a thing of the past & doesn’t exist
Do NOT let your boss dictate how much $ you make.
If you work a JOB you are probably at poverty level
w/ your income.
An estimated 85% of all families in U.S.
use childcare at some point.
64% - 70% of N. Americans hate or
“dislike” their JOB.
N. American workers take less vacation days off
work than any other industrial nation.
Be self-employed & work for yourself but
not by yourself. Work w/ someone who has been there & done it,
a mentor.
Direct & Take control of your own
future/destiny. You dictate your own life.
Do NOT wait for it to happen, make it happen.