Jeremy Nef
Money Saving Products and Services

Our Products > Better Gas Mileage

Improve you Gas Mileage with this Pill

Are you looking to better your vehicle's gas mileage?

Transportation accounts for two-thirds of U.S. oil consumption! Let me say that again. Transportation accounts for two-thirds of U.S. oil consumption! That means the U.S. transportation sector is burning an average of 15.58 million barrels of oil per day. That is nearly 700 million gallons, or 2.3 gallons per day for every man, woman, and child. In the time it takes to read this paragraph, our transportation system will have used more than 595,000 gallons of fuel! If this doesn’t scream, “It’s me, transportation, I’m your energy problem,” then I don’t know what will. You’ve probably heard of the inevitable “oil production peak” or seen predictions about when we are going to “run out of oil.” Though the widely varying opinions are all best guess estimates, they are useful for bringing the fact to the forefront, and in prodding us to consider both the consequences and how to cushion ourselves from the dramatic impact it will have.
(- info above taken from our opportunity site, click for more information Here)

=> To read some more product testimonials who have used the Gas pills or powders are below...

I have been using the pill and I have noticed a difference in fuel consumption - probably an extra 25 or 30 miles each pill, so there is a significant saving on fuel costs.
Jeremy Freeman - BAMPS.COM (March 2007)

Up from 48mpg to 53mpg! As the vehicle is older with a high mileage I will be changing the fuel filter now. I will be placing another order for more Power Pills very soon. (November 2006)

I was saving up to 10% of my fuel over the same distance as before, and in a 100ltr tank that was a significant saving. I now use Power Pill regularly and I am not sceptical about their claims now. Thank you Power Pill.
Tony Goodridge - Ohm Improvements - 01353 614 917 (November 2006)

The mpg is 30/31, far more than the 27 mpg I was getting before using Power Pill. There is also less smoke from the vehicle
Ken Jackman (March 2007)

We have noted a credible improvement in fuel economy - increasing tank ranges by over 40 miles per car (currently a 14% increase), as well as a greater power output of both vehicles.
Nick Morris - TCC Ltd - IT Solutions Provider - 01462 455 484 (July 2006)

Having used the Power Pill for almost a week my 10 month old diesel is now doing well over 10% more miles per tank.
Mike Zwager - Business Coach - Action International - 01438 315 123 (June 2006)

Before using the Power Pill my mpg figures were around 45-47mpg. That's 50.5mpg - around 10% better
Andrew Channon - ASC Associates - Accredited Associate of the Institute for Independent Business (October 2005)

I have found the Power Pill to be very effective - the fuel consumption in my Jaguar X Type SE 2000 Diesel is now 550 miles to the tank as opposed to around 500 miles before using the Power Pill. I will be ordering again.
Vic Jones - UK (November 2005)

Since I have been using the Power Pills in my Metrocab my fuel consumption has gone up from 22-23 mpg to 24-25 mpg. The engine runs smoother and quieter, and always starts up on the button every morning, whether it's cold or hot.
Len Jacobs - London Taxi Driver (December 2005)

=> Also to read some more product testimonials who have used the Gas pills or powders, Click here

=> To verify the Wallace Environmental Testing Labs, Inc. is an EPA recognized lab… Click here

=> To Order your Gas Improvement Pills or Powder, OR to read more about it Click Here